Simple Grape Jam Recipe

Welcome to our kitchen, where we're about to embark on a delightful culinary journey filled with the vibrant flavours of ripe grapes. If you've ever yearned for the taste of summer captured in a jar, you're in for a treat! In this blog, we'll be sharing our tried-and-true "Simple Grape Jam Recipe." Whether you're an experienced home cook or a novice in the world of preserves, this recipe is designed to be approachable, easy to follow, and, most importantly, incredibly rewarding. What makes it extra special? These grapes were lovingly grown right in our own backyard at Salters HQ.

Grape jam, with its luscious sweetness and deep, fruity aroma, is a timeless classic that can be enjoyed year-round. It's perfect for slathering on toast, pairing with cheese and crackers, or even as a versatile ingredient in various culinary creations. So, roll up your sleeves, gather your grapes, and get ready to create a homemade grape jam that will have your taste buds dancing with delight. Let's dive into the simple steps to create this delectable spread that will become a staple in your pantry.


  • 1.7 kg / 3 lb 12 oz seedless grapes (we used more red grapes than green grapes, and they weren’t seedless)

  • 1 kg / 2 lb 3 oz granulated sugar

  • 1 lemon (zested and juiced)

  • 1 vanilla pod


  • Pick the grapes of the stalks and place them into a large pot with the sugar, lemon and split vanilla pod

  • Using a gentle heat dissolve the sugar slowly, stirring frequently.

  • As the mixture heats up break up some of the grapes with your spoon or potato masher in order the release the grape juice.

  • Once all the sugar has dissolved fully (around 20 minutes) take the mixture off the heat. Pick out the vanilla pod and use a stick blender to blend the grapes to a juice like consistency.

  • If you have seeded grapes, like we grew, you can either blitz the seeds into the jam, or pass the mixture through a sieve.

  • Put pan back on the heat, with the vanilla pod in again, bring to a rolling boil and then time for 25 minutes, stirring continuously. (You could start with 23 minutes as depending on freshness and variety of grapes the setting time can vary a little).

  • Take the pan off the heat and test for set by placing a few drops of the jam on a chilled saucer and place in fridge for a minute.

  • The jam should form a crinkle when you push your finger through it.

  • If not then boil for another 2 minutes and re-test until set is achieved.

  • Pot up in hot, sterilised jars and place lids on immediately.

  • Store in a cool dry place and once opened keep in fridge.

We hope this Simple Grape Jam Recipe brings a burst of homemade goodness to your kitchen and a smile to your face. Remember, the joy of making jam lies not only in savouring the final product but also in the process itself. Don't hesitate to experiment with flavours or share your own twist on this recipe with us. We'd love to hear about your jam-making adventures and see photos of your creations.

Feel free to drop your questions, suggestions, or feedback in the comments below. And if you've enjoyed this recipe, please consider sharing it with your friends and family. The more, the merrier, as they say, and there's something special about sharing the love of homemade treats.

Thank you for joining us in our kitchen today. Keep those jars of grape jam handy, and let the delicious journey continue. Happy jamming! #SaltersHQJamming

Robyn Salter